8 minute read

We want to select or slice the rows and columns of a MultiIndex dataframe. In this post we will take a look on how to slice the dataframe using the index at all levels of a row and column

A MultiIndex dataframe can have multi index for both rows and columns. The MultiIndex keeps all the defined levels of an index, even if they are not actually used.

There are four methods that could be used to select the rows/columns of MultiIndex dataframe

  • Using loc and iloc, which are used to access group of rows and columns by labels and integers respectively
  • Dataframe.xs, it returns cross-section from the Series/DataFrame.
  • Dataframe.Query, we can query the columns of a DataFrame with a boolean expression.
  • IndexSlice, It creates an object to more easily perform multi-index slicing.

We will be following the steps in this order to select rows and columns from a multiindex dataframe

  1. Create a MultiIndex Dataframe
  2. Use loc to slice the dataframe using labels
  3. Use iloc to slice the dataframe based on integer position of Indexes
  4. Using Slicers, It slice a MultiIndex by providing multiple indexers
  5. Use xs method, it takes a key argument to select data at a particular level of a MultiIndex
  6. query could be used to select rows based on conditions with help of boolean expression
  7. IndexSlice with default slice command to perform MultiIndex Slicing

Create MultiIndex Dataframe

We have first created a MultiIndex from the cartesian product of list of rows and columns and after that a dataframe is built using the multiIndex rows and columns.

The dataframe row index has two levels: Region and Division and similarly columns has two levels as well: Quarter(Q1 &Q2) and Buy & Sell.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

x = np.round(np.random.uniform(1, 5, size=(9, 4)), 2)

rowIndx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
    [["East", "North", "South"], ["A", "B", "C"]],
    names=["Region", "Division"],
colIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
    [["Q1", "Q2"], ["Buy", "Sell"]]
multidf = pd.DataFrame(data=x, index=rowIndx, columns=colIndex)

Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
C 3.77 4.82 2.79 1.07
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
B 3.57 3.08 4.04 3.52
C 1.27 4.34 4.18 4.12
South A 4.07 1.90 1.45 2.84
B 4.60 1.27 2.81 3.96
C 3.25 1.85 2.47 1.46

Using loc and iloc to slice MultiIndex Dataframe

We want to slice the above dataframe using loc and iloc, let’s start with slicing just one single row by Region

Slice Row at level=0

The row label at level=0 i.e. Region is passed as list to slice the Region East row


This will just slice the row with Region East at level=0 and all rows at level=1

Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
C 3.77 4.82 2.79 1.07

Slice Row and Column at level=0

We can slect all the rows starting Region North and just column Q1

multidf.loc['NORTH':, :'Q1':]
Region Division Buy Sell
North A 4.89 1.57
B 3.57 3.08
C 1.27 4.34
South A 4.07 1.90
B 4.60 1.27
C 3.25 1.85

Slice Column at level=1

We want to slice with column index at level=1, so in this case we would like to see all the rows and just two columns Q1-Sell and Q2-Buy

multidf.loc[:,('Q1', 'Sell'):('Q2', 'Buy')]
Q1 Q2
Region Division Sell Buy
East A 3.88 4.67
B 1.05 2.95
C 4.82 2.79
North A 1.57 2.74
B 3.08 4.04
C 4.34 4.18
South A 1.90 1.45
B 1.27 2.81
C 1.85 2.47

Slice row at level=1

Using iloc, we can select the rows and columns based on the integer position at all the levels of rows and columns, Let’s see how to do that

We want every second row at level=1 of row index Region and one column at level=1 i.e. Q2-Sell


This will skip every other row and will select the column at 3rd position at level=1. You can see the row East-B is skipped and thereafter North A & C is skipped.

Region Division Sell
East A 1.74
C 1.07
North B 3.52
South A 2.84
C 1.46

Using slicers to slice a MultiIndex by multiple indexers

We can provide any of the selectors as if we are indexing by label, and we can use slice(None) to select all the content of that level and don’t have to specify all the deeper levels

Let’s understand how to use slicer with an example, we want to slice the rows with Region East & North at level=0 and rows B & C at level=1

multidf.loc[(slice('East', 'North'), slice('B', 'C')), :]
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
C 3.77 4.82 2.79 1.07
B 3.57 3.08 4.04 3.52
C 1.27 4.34 4.18 4.12

Another Example, here we want to slice the East region and column Q1-Buy

multidf.loc[(slice('East')), (slice('Q1'),slice('Buy'))]
Region Division Buy
East A 3.93
B 3.88
C 3.77

If you want both Q1 & Q2 buy columns

multidf.loc[(slice('East')), (slice('Q1','Q2'),slice('Buy'))]
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Buy
East A 3.93 4.67
B 3.88 2.95
C 3.77 2.79
North A 4.89 2.74
B 3.57 4.04
C 1.27 4.18

Using xs to slice a MultiIndex dataframe

This method(xs) returns a cross-section from the Series/DataFrame. It takes a key argument to select data at a particular level of a MultiIndex.

we can also specify the level to indicate which levels are used. Levels can be referred by label or position

Select rows for Region East, we can also specify the level=0 in this case

multidf.xs('East', level=0)
Q1 Q2
Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
C 3.77 4.82 2.79 1.07

we can also slice by multiple levels by passing levels as list, here we want to select the rows with Region North at level=0 and Division C at level=1

multidf.xs(('North', 'C'), level=[0,1])
Q1 Q2
Region Division Sell Buy
North C 4.34 4.18

We can also slice columns, Here we want only Q1-Buy so the column index level is passed as [0, 1] and axis=1

multidf.xs(('Q1', 'Buy'), level=[0,1], axis=1)
Region Division Buy
East A 3.93
B 3.88
C 3.77
North A 4.89
B 3.57
C 1.27
South A 4.07
B 4.60
C 3.25

Using query to slice a MultiIndex dataframe based on condition

We want to query the columns of a DataFrame with a boolean expression. It takes an expression to be evaluated as parameter and returns the DataFrame resulting from the provided query expression.

We want to get all the rows where division is ‘A’

multidf.query("Division == 'A'")
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
South A 4.07 1.90 1.45 2.84

Select all the rows in Division A & B

multidf.query("Division.isin(['A', 'B'])")
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
B 3.57 3.08 4.04 3.52
South A 4.07 1.90 1.45 2.84

Using get_level_values()

This method returns an Index of values for requested level and useful to get an individual level of values from a MultiIndex

Select all rows where division is A, you can pass the label as parameter to get_level_values() method

multidf[multidf.index.get_level_values('Division') == 'A']
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
South A 4.07 1.90 1.45 2.84

We can also filter the column index, here we want all the Buy columns in the dataframe, you can also pass the index integer position as parameter

multidf.loc[:, multidf.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'Buy']
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Buy
East A 3.93 4.67
B 3.88 2.95
C 3.77 2.79
North A 4.89 2.74
B 3.57 4.04
C 1.27 4.18
South A 4.07 1.45
B 4.60 2.81
C 3.25 2.47

Select rows based on conditions

Let’s select the rows based on conditions, we will use get_level_values() and loc methods to filter the dataframe

We will first define our MultiIndex condition and save it in a variable, here we want Q1-Sell>2.5 and Q1-Buy>4 and Region is North and South

condition = ((multidf[( 'Q1',  'Sell')]>2.5)
           &(multidf[( 'Q1',  'Buy')]>4)
           &(multidf.index.get_level_values(0).isin(['South', 'North'])))
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
South C 3.25 1.85 2.47 1.46

Alternatively we can also use np.where() to filter the rows based on condition.

The numpy.where() function just returns the index of all the matching rows which are evaluated true for the condition.


Another example where we want row where Q-Sell is maximum. we are using argmax that returns the index of the maximum value along an axis

multidf.iloc[np.argmax(multidf[( 'Q1',  'Sell')])]


Q1   Buy     1.08
     Sell    4.54
Q2   Buy     4.73
     Sell    2.19
Name: (North, C), dtype: float64

Using IndexSlice

It creates an object to perform multi-index slicing, which means we don’t have to construct the slices on our own.

All usages of colons : are converted into slice object. If multiple arguments are passed to the index operator, the arguments are turned into n-tuples

idx = pd.IndexSlice
multidf.loc[idx[:, 'A':'B'], :]

It returns all the Division rows A and B for all Regions

Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
B 3.57 3.08 4.04 3.52
South A 4.07 1.90 1.45 2.84
B 4.60 1.27 2.81 3.96

So IndexSlice requires you to specify enough levels of the MultiIndex to remove an ambiguity

Here we are slicing by Region and Division both

idx = pd.IndexSlice
multidf.loc[idx['East':'North', 'A':'B'], :]
Q1 Q2
Region Division Buy Sell Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88 4.67 1.74
B 3.88 1.05 2.95 1.06
North A 4.89 1.57 2.74 1.30
B 3.57 3.08 4.04 3.52

we can also slice the column, here we want only Q1 at level=0 for all the Regions and Divisions

idx = pd.IndexSlice
multidf.loc[:, :'Q1']

Region Division Buy Sell
East A 3.93 3.88
B 3.88 1.05
C 3.77 4.82
North A 4.89 1.57
B 3.57 3.08
C 1.27 4.34
South A 4.07 1.90
B 4.60 1.27
C 3.25 1.85

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