Python Detect and Translate language
The internet is flooded with articles and posts for translating the language using Machine Learning or Deep Learning LSTM models and building a deep neural network for developing your own Translation model. However, if you are not interested in coding then we have google as one of the prominent leader in providing the translation service from any known language in world to another. But yes that comes with a cost if you are using it for commercial purpose or huge data to translate
In this post we are going to see how [Textblob](
- A python library for text processing and mainly used for natural language processing tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, translation, and more that can be used to detect and translate a language. Later on, We will also explore the python google translate
package for translating the text
Install Textblob
pip install -U textblob
Detect Language
Hindi Text Detection
The language we are detecting here is Hindi, which is the 4th largest spoken language in the world. The output is the abbreviation for Hindi i.e. hi
from textblob import TextBlob
hi_blob = TextBlob(u'तुम्हारा नाम क्या है')
Output: ‘hi’
German Text Detection
de_blob = TextBlob(u"Maschinelles Lernen ist ein interessantes Thema zum Lernen")
Output: ‘de’
Translate Language
Translate Hindi text to English
This is the same hindi text we detected above
Output: TextBlob(“what is your name”)
Translate German to English
Output: TextBlob(“Machine learning is an interesting topic for learning”)
Translate German to French
Output: TextBlob(“L’apprentissage automatique est un sujet d’apprentissage intéressant”)
Translate German to Arabic
Output: TextBlob(“التعلم الآلي هو موضوع مثير للاهتمام للتعلم”)
Translate German to Hindi
Output: TextBlob(“मशीन लर्निंग, सीखने का एक दिलचस्प विषय है”)
Note: The TextBlob output can be treated as a Python String
Google Translate
It’s a free and unlimited to use python library that implements Google Translate API’s. It has two powerful methods detect and translate which uses Google Translate AJAX API
pip install googletrans
Translate Hindi to English
from googletrans import Translator
translator = Translator()
print(translator.translate(u'तुम्हारा नाम क्या है'))
Output: Translated(src=hi, dest=en, text=what is your name, pronunciation=None, extra_data=”{‘translat…”)
Translate Arabic to English
The dest
parameter is used to specify the language to translate, which is English(en) here
print(translator.translate(u'التعلم الآلي هو موضوع مثير للاهتمام للتعلم', dest='en'))
Output: Translated(src=ar, dest=en, text=Automated learning is interesting to learn the subject, pronunciation=None, extra_data=”{‘translat…”)
Even you can just specify the src
parameter - Text language and it will translate that to English by default
print(translator.translate(u'التعلم الآلي هو موضوع مثير للاهتمام للتعلم', src='ar'))
Output: Translated(src=ar, dest=en, text=Automated learning is interesting to learn the subject, pronunciation=None, extra_data=”{‘translat…”)
Detect Language
translator = Translator()
print(translator.detect("Les livres sont les meilleurs amis de l'homme"))
Output: Detected(lang=fr, confidence=1.0)
Language detected is French and the confidence score is 1 i.e. 100%
Translate List of Sentences
English to Hindi
translations = translator.translate(['what is your Name', 'how old are you', 'Boston weather is good'], dest='hi')
for translation in translations:
print(translation.origin, ' -> ', translation.text)
what is your Name -> तुम्हारा नाम क्या हे how old are you -> आपकी उम्र क्या है Boston weather is good -> बोस्टन मौसम अच्छा है